Ankara - School Report Question and Answers
Aside from school fees, are there required expenses such as uniforms, laptops/tablets, musical instruments, or field trips that parents are expected to cover? What are the approximate costs?
The school provides all children in 4th grade and above with a Chromebook (the school supplies them). Musical instruments are also included if your child is in the band. The school covers field trips for sports in high school! They get to travel to schools in Germany, Italy, and a lot of other cool places. I was not tracking this as a parent when our children first started school. You have to pay for field trips for elementary school, but they are nothing too expensive; recently, they took a trip to the zoo, and it was about $10.00. - Feb 2025
Uniforms, which were not too expensive. Field trips included in cost of tuition. - Oct 2019
There are awesome trips we go on. STEMposium, a science thing where four kids from a bunch of dodea schools all go to a hostel in Germany and have science projects. Creative Connections which is an art program where 100 students are selected from dodea schools to go to a hostel and do music, art, theater, film, all sorts of things. And the AP art classes go on a trip each year, they cost around 250 euros for each kid. And I don't play instruments, but I think they're provided. - Sep 2016