Ankara - School Report Question and Answers
What fine arts electives are available (music, drama, visual arts)?
The school has a drama club, chores, band, PE, art, etc. The schedule varies each year depending on the teachers. - Feb 2025
Yes. Tons of drama incorporated into the program; lots of music. - Oct 2019
I don't know much about music, but there's a class for it. There's a drama class and club, but it isn't like full scale stage/play/musical, we're a really small school. The art teacher is great, we have AP art history, art fundamentals, ap art studio 2D and 3D, and lots of really creative kids. And like I said before, Creative Connections which is awesome. - Sep 2016
Not sure of the exact number, but one of the best selections among the more popular international schools in Ankara. - Jul 2014