Vienna - School Report Question and Answers
Describe the physical education resources at the school. Is there a gym? A swimming pool? Are there playing fields or tennis courts available?
There are two gyms, a theater and art rooms that Middle and High Schools share. There is no pool, but there is a swim team and they use facilities at a number of pools in Vienna. - Sep 2020
There are two gyms, a soccer pitch, and a playground. Nearby is a sports facility that the students use for some athletic practices as well. The Vienna Woods in the backyard offer hiking and running trails that the students use, as well. - Apr 2019
PE is required. Nice gym but no swimming pool - Jan 2019
playing fields, gym, bubble tennis - richly endowed with sports facilities - Oct 2018
Good resources, gym, fields, etc. No swimming pool but the school takes advantage of nearby pools and other excellent facilities to fill in any gaps. - Jun 2018
A - Jun 2011