Skopje - School Report Question and Answers

Does the school have a library? How large is it? How updated are the books? Can students borrow books to read at home?

There is a small library there, but I am not familiar how good it is. Yes, students can borrow books to take home but since i's a small library, they have to wait for a while until they can get the desired book. - Mar 2025

The elementary library is quite good, and students can check out books. The high school library is decent, with a relatively good selection of popular books, mixed with a confusing number of books. It's hard to imagine any student reading voluntarily. - Jan 2019

Library is very small. It seems that they get a handful of books every year. Many books have been donated by families leaving. Lots of religiously based books. - Dec 2017

B. The school has two separate libraries, one serving the needs of the Elementary and Middle School, and the other one for the High School. The libraries have seen the number of volumes significantly increase over the course of the last years, as the school is investing and fundraising. The library is well stocked on teaching resources and classroom materials, but still lacks periodicals and reference materials. It has recently provided everyone with an online access to EBSCO. It works actively with Scholastic to organize Book Fairs. The school staffs both libraries each with a full-time employee who is assisted by an electronic library management system. - Sep 2013

A - The library is surprisingly good for how small the school is.My children rarely had problems finding books to read that were appropriate for their reading levels. - Aug 2011

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