Skopje - School Report Question and Answers

What services are available for gifted/advanced students at the school? Please describe your experience with these services, if applicable.

None. - Mar 2025

Absolutely nothing. - Jan 2019

None! Daughter's 5th grade teacher was fuming when we met to discuss the issue. It seemed that he felt personally attacked...but then he was using materials a year behind because so many of the kids had issues. He argued, but when the spelling test says '4th grade' printed across the're busted. - Dec 2017

Yes and no.While several of our children have tested into gifted and talented education at previous schools, there is not a G/T program here.However, the teachers were aware of their needs and were able to push them in their learning.I feel that they actually got more just in their classrooms at QSI than they did in their former gifted and talented pull-out classes. - Aug 2011

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