New Delhi - School Report Question and Answers

Does the school have a library? How large is it? How updated are the books? Can students borrow books to read at home?

Yes. Two libraries: for elementary and middle/high school. Good choice of books in English and other languages. - Feb 2025

MS/HS has a very nice library, often filled with kids before/during/after school. They have plugs for laptops and several private study rooms. Parents can also use the library and check out books. - Dec 2019

I have only visited the HS/MS library which appears adequate. Parents can avail themselves of a vast digital library- the staff will install an app on your device. - Oct 2018

A: still old fashioned in Middle School, but with re-design of HS should be better access to reference material and online sources - May 2011

A;the library is well stocked, and open on Saturdays. - Jan 2011

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